We had a really good 4th of July weekend. We started it off by taking the boys to a place called Davis Farmland. They had all types of farm animals that you could feed there and a decent size water park for young kids. They absolutely loved it. We went with a family we met at church which have kids around the age of the boys. They then cooked out for us and had a great time just relaxing at the table (it was just so rough to eat steak lol.
Then on Saturday we went to Maine to visit his oldest sister. This is just a picture we took about 7 or 8 minutes from their house. It was so beautiful. Raider had a blast swimming and playing fetch with a stick. It was a really nice and relaxing day....but driving home was anything but. We had just crossed over the Maine/New Hampshire border when a car all of a sudden got right behind us and put his brights on. So Andrew got over a lane to let them just go by us. Well that car got behind us again, so Andrew tapped his brakes to try and get his attention. We had no idea what this guy was doing. Well the guy speed up and got in front of us. He was going about 75-80 mph and within 2 seconds we were down to 15 mph on the interstate!! I don't know how (except by the grace of God) did we not have an accident either from the front or the back. So that guy speeds up again and does the exact same thing AGAIN! This time I was able to look in the backseat (as it was like 9:00 at night at this point) and saw 2 kids. I was like are you serious?!?! So I called 911 immediately and told them everything so they transferred me to the state tropopers and got all the information we could give them. So we just pray the law handled it. Those poor kids!!
Anyway so we made it home safe and sound. Yesterday the church had a special service just for Andrew. His sisters' and cousin and parents came. They called it 'installing' him into the church. He had to teach a lesson in front of the congregation for kids and then sing a song that basically told the congregation what his mission for the church was. And then the pastor gave him like 5 presents. It was really awesome. We ended it perfectly...by having a huge cookout of course!!! It was really nice to see how awesome the church supports Andrew and his own family as well. Well I'm pretty sure that's it. I miss y'all and love you very much!!