Friday, February 5, 2010


Good . everyone!! Well we have an update on what is going on with the Rogers' household. Two weeks ago I had to go to the emergency room. I was having the worst cramps I have ever had, some pressure on my left side and some bleeding so my doctor told me to go in immediately. Andrew was babysitting a special needs boy at the time so he couldn't drive me in and my doctor would NOT left me drive myself so my father-in-law drove me in. They did all kinds of testing and everything came out normal...praise GOD!! But they didn't have a clue where the blood came from, a little unsettling but what can you do?? He did say that it might be a repercussion from getting hit in the stomach over a month ago. So I was suppose to work the overnight that night but my boss said she'd feel more comfortable if I stayed home and rested. The next day human resources called and asked what happened. They had no idea I was having a rough pregnancy. Well they faxed my job qualifications to my doctor to get approval for me to continue working in that atmosphere. My doctor called me stating he had no idea how intense and physical it was. So naturally he declined me going back to work on full duty. I was relieved but yet started to get really nervous because I had no idea what that meant for me having a job. So HR told me to continue the rest of the week as normal but that there'd be someone doing the overnight with me to make sure there was no way for me to get hurt. At this point I can honestly say I truly gave it to God. I knew I couldn't do anything and it was all Him. Plus every time I started worrying I ended up cramping badly (it was another incentive to give it to God). I literally didn't stress about it the rest of the time. So this Monday HR called me to ask me to come in on my day off to talk...a little nervous about this but still had faith in God. They told me that had an opening in the daycare at work (which is the employees kids from about 2 months-4 year olds) but they only had 25 hours a week available. I immediately thought we can't survive on that...but God has us under his wing. So Wednesday I went back to work and they told me that arranged it where I can work 40 hrs a week where I start on Monday!!! God totally took over and protected us in a way I didn't think was possible!! Needless to say the last 2 weeks have been a roller coaster but it is so amazing to see how God works...especially when you put your whole entire faith in him! I hope everyone is doing great and we miss you very y'all!!