Well last Monday we had a snow storm that was over a foot. It was crazy. Our clinic was closed down. I really wasn't aware that they actually closed businesses for snow. So since I had the day off we decided to shovel our way out. We have a very tiny porch and a stairway but took us forever. I used muscled I never knew I even had before. I was like holy crap this is exhausting. We ended up going over to his parents' house and shovel their driveway. Their driveway is about 1/4 the distance of my parents and with 2 people shoveling it took over an hour. Needless to say I was flat out exhausted after that. Then we watched the 2 little boys 3 times this past week. We had a gift card to Chilis so we took the boys with us. Austin (the youngest who is the boy in the picture) was SO hungry and he ate a few bites of his food then looked up and looked awful. I was like please do not throw up. Within seconds that little boy was completely passed out on the table. It was so adorable. Then on Friday their dad asked us if they could stay the night because the boys were really wanting to. I couldn't say no to that even though we already knew Stacy and her dog would be staying the night that night. So in a 800 sq foot apartment we had 3 adults, 2 dogs and 2 little boys...lol, very interesting!! We had a great time though. The boys dad treated us to bbq that night and I ordered okra. When it arrived Austin said why did you order rocks?! I was like oh if my family heard that lol!!!
Andrew and I are really happy right now. Our really good friend from church/school who stayed the night with us most Saturday nights flew in yesterday to spend the week with us. It feels like I'm in Texas again a little!
Today we went outside and played tennis and I only wore a short-sleeved shirt with a fleece pullover. I was so proud of myself (not to mention everyone else was in shorts lol)! Well I miss you all so very much! Hope you're all doing well...love you!
Love you guys!! Thanks for always keeping us updated on your world.
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