Thursday, February 5, 2009

About time...yeah!!!

I have amazing news! I finally got a job! I am really excited. I'll be working for a vet again. Isn't that funny?!?!? There would have been no way for me to get this job unless I had experience with working at doc's office. Isn't is awesome how God works in your life?! I start on Monday. I'm so ready to get into a set schedule...finally!!! So we (of course) had to go to Olive Garden last night to celebrate...basically because we had a gift card left over from Christmas lol. Well we got there and Stacy knows the GM really well. So he just came over and talked with us basically the entire time. Then he "took care of" our bill and even brought me a bottle of the salad dressing that I love so much for free!!! It was an amazing day yesterday let me tell you. And I still have my Olive Garden gift card!!! AMAZING!!!!!!

Andrew is really bummed that we haven't heard anything from that one church. Please keep him in your prayers as we find what God has in store for him. Love you all very much!!!

1 comment:

  1. yay Christen!! I am so happy for you! I hope you enjoy it! what a cool story about Olive Garden.

    I will continue to pray for Andrew - any church would be so incredibly blessed to get him.
